So… what is this exactly?
Seven years ago (give or take) we hit the jackpot: we met and fell in love (you know, not immediately, but by and by). Since then we’ve built a relationship that has changed both of our lives. It’s a source of emotional sustenance, joy, and a hell of a lot of fun (not to mention a great way to save on rent). That’s no small thing in this world. We’re grateful for it every day and we want to celebrate it with our family and friends.
Also, the people we love have mostly never met each other. Our Singapore friends have never met our LA and NYC friends! Our parents primarily know each other through Facebook! Don’t you want to find out what happens when Mike’s Uncle Kevin meets Maya’s Aunt Claire? We do.
Sounds great, but what is this… literally? What will happen?
It’s a SECRET. Come on, did you really think that we would do something straightforward?
You should expect to arrive in London and still not know exactly what will happen.
How mysterious. 🙄
Fine, we’ll spill some beans.
To celebrate our love, you will be going on an ADVENTURE filled with discovery, connection, and fun in the city of London on Saturday, August 30, from early afternoon until late at night.
There will be dinner and drinks (and a big party, of course!)
You will be in multiple locations
You won’t go back to your hotel until the event is over
If you come with someone, don’t expect to be together all day
There will also be a casual welcome the evening of Friday, August 29.
Okay, I can embrace the adventure, but I have questions. Like, is there a dress code?
Nope. We know, annoying. Now what are you supposed to wear?
Go with something festive for the party in the evening, but make sure that you’ll be comfortable moving around all day (don’t stress, we’re not going to make you run a marathon). A dress that’s sickening but not too constricting?! Rock a casual shirt in the day and carry a dressy top for the evening?! Etc. etc.
High heels work, but unless you have Maya’s tolerance you’ll want to keep them in your purse and stick to flats during the day.
Should I get you a gift?
Please please (seriously we are being serious) do not get us a gift. Most of you will be traveling internationally, which is expensive and time consuming. Your presence is gift enough. We really appreciate it.
Also, we already have all the pots and pans we need… although Maya wouldn’t mind a Le Creuset (joking, a joke, do not buy us a Le Creuset).
Are kids allowed?
Nothing will happen that you couldn’t take kids to, but we suggest leaving little kids at home: (1) it will be a full day out-and-about, (2) your active participation will be required, (3) you’ll be moving between locations, and (4) it will be logistically tricky to duck out if your kid needs a break. That sounds like a recipe for stressed out kids (and stressed out parents) to us.
That said, we love you and we love your kids (!!!), so that’s a recommendation and not a hard requirement. If you’re bringing a kid and have any questions, reach out to us (,
Will this be indoors or outdoors?
You will be both indoors and outdoors at various points in the… experience.
You’ll be in the city the entire time, it will be summer, and the weather should be nice (Mike’s extensive research determined that this weekend has a historically low chance of rain).
Although, it is the UK, so let’s not count our pheasants before they hatch. We suggest packing a small umbrella.
Will there be a ceremony?
Yes and it will be extremely cool.
Do I get a +1?
We think so! We are, like, 80% sure that we’ve accounted for all of your long-term significant others, but please reach out if you have any questions (,
… and if you are single, you are in luck since we have some very eligible friends we have been dying to introduce you to.
I have a question about travel (flights, hotels, getting around London, etc.).
Yeah, that’s pretty critical, so we made a dedicated Travel section. Take a look there.
I want to come, but you’re not giving me many details and I’m concerned about X (mobility issues, medical issues, etc.).
Just reach out to us (,
We’re inviting you because we love you and we want you to be there. We can help make the event work for you.
Is there anything else I should have asked?
It’s 2025. Each of you will need a smartphone with cell service to go on our adventure. Yes, even you dad!
See our travel section for instructions; the days of paying for roaming are over!!
Okay, that was a lot, but I’m in. When and how should I RSVP?
RSVP using this website you’re reading right now by March 31.
Because we are such unique goddamn snowflakes and are planning a super secret special event, we really need to know if you’re going to come and we need to know it earlier than usual. We can’t emphasize this enough. You have to RSVP or we’ll crawl into a hole and die.