Here’s the thing…

Maya is from Texas. Mike is from Massachusetts.

Call it misfortune, call it happenstance, call it lady luck, but the fact is that seven years ago we met in Singapore very far from our families and we fell in love (Mike blames Maya’s Unitarian Universalist tattoo). Since then, we’ve gone on more adventures than we can remember, made friends whom we cherish from all over the world, and built about the best life that two people could hope to have.

But (there’s always a but), the sad thing is that we don’t always get to share that life with the people we love…at least not every day. When we’re away, we miss everyone back home. When we’re back home, we miss everyone away. We thought we’d make up for it (slightly) through the power of GIS.

Please enjoy this geographic photo journey through the last seven years of our life together

Our life together (so far) in photos